Single issue
Transformations of the body
Volume 6, Issue 1 (2018)
On February 13th, 2018 a conference on the theme "Transformations of the body" took place at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology (FISPPA) of the University of Padua. The conference was attended by scholars from four different universities, both Italian and foreign. Given the quality of the presentations, the idea was born to publish the Conference Proceedings in the form of a special issue of Orbis Idearum. The papers that have passed the selection, based as always on the double blind peer review, are now gathered in this large volume, which bears the same title as the conference. The contributions deal with issues spread over a very broad time span, ranging from prehistory to the present day. Some authors have partially deviated from the typically interpretive descriptive approach of the history of ideas, sometimes venturing into axio-normative discussions – a "slip" perhaps unavoidable, if we consider the great social importance of the theme. Editors and reviewers have agreed jointly to allow the broadening of the discourse outside the theoretical and methodological lines of the discipline, provided that it was grafted onto a robust historical reconstruction.
Fabio GrigentiSuperpower and Imitation. Body and Machine (en)
Marcello IencaAn evolutionary argument for the Extended Mind Hypothesis (en)
Riccardo CampaThe Religion of Perfect Bodies : Observations on the Aesthetic Dimension of Zoroastrianism (it)
Federico ZilioThe Brain in the Body-as-Machine. Mechanism and Dualism in Contemporary Naturalism (it)
Alberto GiacomelliFrom Cult to Care. The body in Nietzsche between Eugenics and Construction of the Self (it)
Lorenza Bottacin CantoniPitié pour la Viande! The Cult and Cure of the Battered Body (it)
Giovanni OstiA Body on Demand. Between Human Enhancement and Achievement (it)